Mayor and Council Feel Parents’ Pain Regarding HIB Administration

(Photo credit: TAPinto)

(Photo credit: TAPinto)


January 27, 2016 at 10:52 AM

NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ – Several parents showed up at the Monday, Jan. 25 council meeting to voice their concerns and outrage regarding the way the New Jersey Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Law (HIB) has been interpreted at the borough schools. They had also expressed their dissatisfaction at a recent Board of Education (BOE) meeting.

Surprisingly, the parents found more sympathetic ears and encouraging words among council members than those of the BOE.

Jamie Peterson representing “Concerned Parents of New Providence” told the council about the “climate of fear” and “snowballing” HIB investigation process at the high school. “We are not asking the investigations to stop,” she said. However, the parents are asking for changes in the process. They are also asking that those students who are involved in the investigation are allowed a due process. The concerned parents would also prefer that children were taught conflict resolution skills rather than them being saddled with the bullying label.

Gayle Libertucci requested that the Council Liaison to the BOE, Robert Munoz, attend the BOE meetings going forward. “We need the council liaison present,” she said. Libertucci asked the council to “spread the word” on this important issue.

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Accommodations that should be made for students with ADHD


This website offers examples of accommodations that should be made for students with ADHD.

About ADDitudemag

ADDitude is the leading destination for families and adults living with ADHD and learning disabilities.

Founded in 1998 by Ellen Kingsley, an award-winning journalist with a unique ability to convey credible information with empathy and inspiration, ADDitude magazine has provided clear, accurate, user-friendly information and advice from the leading experts and practitioners in mental health and learning for almost 10 years.

A Child Advocacy Place recommends that the parent suggest the accommodations to be made for their child at the beginning of each school year.

Visit ADDitude online for a wealth of information and resources »



Supreme Court Case Tinker vs Des Moines on school dress codes

A Child Advocacy Place comments on the Supreme Court Case Tinker vs Des Moines in which school dress codes were challenged:

Students do not leave their first Amendment Rights at the school house door — schools may not impose a dress code — but they may bar clothing that may be disruptive to the educational process such as vulgar attire.

More about the case »
